Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Games and Knitting

My younger son Brian got Guitar Hero II for his birthday and we sat playing it last night. I say "we", I mean Patrick and Brian played it and they tried to get me to but I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of them. I don't even know where the buttons are! Anyhow, it looks like fun and I think I will try it when I get a little more nerve.

Speaking of games, someone on Sheep Thrills mentioned that she found the game Warcraft to be very escapist and tons of fun to play. We have that game and already have the online play all registered and everything, so I asked Brian if he would do a tutorial some time soon so I could play that game. I have bee playing Civilization a lot lately and I do love that game but I would like to try something a little different. I always set my Civilization up pretty much the same. I try to keep my people happy. I give them all the best stuff like fresh water and temples and courts as quickly as I can and then other cities come over to my side. It would be interesting to play a different world building game though just to try other ways of making civilizations.

At the most recent Madison Knitter's Guild, Judy Pascale of Shapely Shawlette fame spoke and it reminded me that I have never even knit a "Shapely Shawlette". So I got out a huge ball of hand dyed boucle/rickrack rayon and cast on a "SS" last night. It is a little putzy as you have to keep track of right and wrong side rows but, it looks really nice so far. I will make it a little larger that the pattern as I feel I have wide shoulders and would like it to cover them well. After I get a little more knit I will post a picture.

Here is a picture of the swatch of that Chinese yarn for a sweater for me:

I like the cable at the left a lot but notice how it flares out. I would have to figure that into the shape of the sweater. The ribbing combinations with cable in the middle look nice but really pull in a lot. Suitable for the edge but, not to work all the way through the sweater. I especially like the one that alternates the larger cable and the ribbing. I think that would look really sophisticated for the bottom edge of the sweater and sleeve. It really softened up when I washed it too. Really stretched out a lot, or relaxed I guess you could say.
Well, the sweater is in the planning stages. We will talk more!
Enjoy the warm day-should be over 40 degrees today!
The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.
-- Lucille Ball


Unknown said...

Wow. You had a lot to say today, I Know nothing about the games, but they sound intriging.
I have not made the shawlette, either. I don't even know what it looks like. I would love to see yours. Love the ideas for your sweater. Michele

Unknown said...

I need a spell check on the comment form! Michele