Saturday, July 07, 2007

Susan's Big Sale with Pictures

We went over to Susan's Fiber Shop and spent the day today. Susan was running a once in a lifetime sale to celebrate 7/7/07! And a good time was had by all who made it there!

We started early with Mary M. picking Terri N. & me up at 9:30:

Mary is getting the car ready for passengers.

We had enough equipment to stay awhile! Including Mary's own rotating fan!

Here comes Terri-

Who is sitting where? Let's get going!

So Off We Go to Pick Up Donna in Beaver Dam...

And on to Susan's where we run into friends:

Joan is knitting a gorgeous wrap, all of koigu. Take a look at this!
Can you see how great the shop looks too?
We also ran into Cathy K. another String Along-er! I thin she may have bought a loom today!

We shopped and ate and talked and laughed and had a wonderful time. Thanks Susan, Mary, Terri & Donna for making this a great day!
Oh and by the way, the sale went so well that Susan is holding it over for SEVEN days!!! Check out Susan's blog:
Hey, talk to you later!
Thank goodness for good friends!
Sometimes I think we're alone.
Sometimes I think we're not.
In either case, the thought is staggering.
-- R. Buckminster Fuller

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