Monday, October 01, 2007

Hand Bags

I've been doing a little sewing and made a couple of hand bags with some of the fabric I bought at the Quilt Expo. I used some lovely Japanese prints and some Amy Butler prints. I am such a novice but I have noticed a couple of types of fabric I really like! Terri N. Says I am a name dropper! Maybe but it is my way of remembering what I like-connecting names to things helps me keep those things in my brain.

I don't know if you can tell but the lining is some pink sheep fabric that I bought from Susan's Fiber Shop. It is really sweet.

This is the Japanese prints and the bottom stripe I got at the thrift store here in town for 75 cents! I try to interface these pretty stiffly so they stand up. It seems that they will wear better if they are quite firm. This lining I also purchased from Susan. Can you tell they are sheep? Susan has some really nice sheep fabrics. Don't remember the price off hand but these are hard to find prints!

The stripe fabric is a pocket.

Nothing much else to report. I just finished a book by Mary Norton of The Borrowers fame called Are All the Giants Dead? It was illustrated by Brian Froud. I love his work. He really draws a wonderful goblin!

Aren't these wonderful?

Talk to you later,


Society, my dear, is like salt water, good to swim in but hard to swallow. - Arthur Stringer

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