Thursday, June 15, 2006

A friend from Craft Center here in town sent me this link

Really beautiful things here. Reminds me of this old German silent movie I was once called The Adventures of Prince Achmed that featured a silhouette technique which involved manipulated cutouts made from cardboard and thin sheets of lead under a camera.

Well I screwed up the String Alongs guild meeting. I cleaned house and cooked yesterday for the meeting that is really next week Wednesday! It would be fine if the house could stay nice for a week but it doesn't happen around here. I guess I will just have it here next week, although a friend suggested having it in the church basement instead of here, and that might work better. I said I would go to a meeting in church Wednesday at 7 so I could hang out with the group for a while, go to the meeting, and then go back to the group. Sounds pretty doable, I think. I can hardly believe I am so much an air head but the evidence is there...

I went to the Dr. today for a check up and ended up getting a tetanus shot and having to have bloodwork done. Bad enough to have to take my clothes off but to have to deal with needles too just doesn't seem fair. Oh well, I got it taken care of and it only took an hour!

Got one mitten finished and the second one well on the way. Will post pictures when I finish them. I must say they are tight but I couldn't find any size three needles and made do with #2's and I really should have gone up at least one size. I just couldn't wait to get going on them.

Talk later,

America had often been discovered before Columbus,
but it had always been hushed up.
-- Oscar Wilde

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