Monday, September 03, 2007


Take a look at this video of a baby otter. Just about the most darling baby ever!

You may ask yourself, "When will this baby fever end?" Well. I don't know. I will keep you posted on that...

Then I got this from Emili and Lauren who have a new blog. Take a look and remember I don't even like country country music.

I went to breakfast with my mom and my sister Jeanne and two of her daughters. I found out that the daughter that just got married the beginning of August just got a new kitten! I am so jealous...named Mrs. M. I will post pictures of if I get any...

Lynda, kittenless 8>((

Mustard's no good without roast beef.
Chico Marx (1891 - 1961)

1 comment:

Angela's Designs said...

LOL! I heard that Online song on the radio for the first time recently. The video is great.